




ac.knowl.edg.ment [Dk}nAl0dImDnt] n. 回覆;確認回信answer, response

I received an acknowledgment of my order in the mail.           97

ac.ne [}$kni] n. 痤瘡;粉刺a medical condition in which your face is covered

                       in pimples

The doctor cured the boy’s acne with a special cream.

a.corn [}e`kCrn] n. 橡實the nut of the oak tree

“Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.”

ac.quaint [D}kwent] v. 使了解;使認識;介紹

      acquaintsomeone with something使某人知道(熟悉) 某事

I acquainted them with living conditions abroad.

Please acquaint me with the facts.

       be acquainted with someone認識某人 (但關係不密切)

Are you acquainted with Professor White?

How did you two get acquainted?你們兩人如何開始認識的

We became acquainted with each other many years ago.

         be acquainted with something了解某事

I’m not acquainted with that artist’s work.

ac.quaint.ance [D}kwentDns] n. 認識的人(但不熟) a person whom one knows,

                                         but not well

We are acquaintances and talk now and then.

“Is he a friend of yours?” “No, just an acquaintance.”

ac.quire [D}kwa0r] v. 獲得;取得 to buy or get

She acquired a knowledge of Spanish while living in Latin America.

He acquired a fortune.

ac.qui.si.tion [$kwD}z0NDn] n. 1. 取得;獲得;購得

the acquisition of property 財產的獲得

                       2. 獲得物;購得物

He was showing off his latest acquisition, a new computer game.

The painting is a new acquisition.

                      3. 習得

The acquisition of the knowledge of medicine takes years of study.

acre ['ekQ] n. 英畝    

The hotel sits in 400 acres of woodland.   //       a 50-acre farm

ac.ro.bat ['$krD`b$t] n. (尤指馬戲團的) 雜技演員;表演特技者

acrobatic [`$krD'b$t0k] adj. 特技的;特技般的

The goalkeeper made an acrobatic save.

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