



pe.di.a.tri.cian[`pidiD'tr0NDn]n. 小兒科醫生 (英式= paediatrician)      

pe.di.at.ric [`pidi'$tr0k]adj. 小兒科的

a pediatric surgeon       //       pediatric surgery

pe.di.at.rics [`pidi'$tr0ks]n. 小兒科兒科 (英式= paediatrics)

discrete [d0}skrit] adj. 分離的分開的separate

That company is a discrete entity from the others, which are all owned by the

   parent company.

The organisms can be divided into discrete categories.

~ a number of discrete steps

guzzle [}gKzDl] v. 狂飲;爛吃to drink or eat greedily, often quickly

He guzzled all the beer at the party before he left.

My brother and his friends were eating pizza and guzzling soda.

(figurative) My car guzzles fuel.

gurgle [}g"gDl] v. 1. (水流) 汨汨作響

A small stream gurgled over the rocks.

Water gurgled through the pipes.     //     a gurgling stream

             2. 發咯咯聲

The baby smiled and gurgled with pleasure.

astound[D}staUnd] v. 使震驚 to astonish

The high repair bill astounded me.  

My brother’s decision astounded us all.

astounded[D}staUnd0d]adj. 震驚驚愕不已的 very surprised

We were astounded to discover a valuable painting in the attic.

astounding [D}staUnd0H]adj. 令人震驚的令人驚愕的 

~ an astounding discovery     //       ~ his astounding success

res.o.nance [}rGzDnDns] n. 1. (情感的) 共鳴;反響

His voice had lost its resonance; it was tense and strained.

                   2. 共鳴 ()

                   3. 共鳴;共振

magnetic resonance imaging () 磁共振成像

res.o.nant [}rGzDnDnt] adj. 1. 共鳴的;共振的 

The wood of a guitar is resonant.    

                   2. 洪亮的;迴盪的having a deep and clear sound

His resonant voice is pleasing to hear.     //     ~ a resonant voice

                   3. resonant with ~ : 充滿著;洋溢著

His words were resonant with meaning.

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