turbulent ['t"bjDlDnt] adj. 1. (空氣) 亂流的;(水流)狂暴的;洶湧的
I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas. // turbulent waters
2. 騷動的;動盪的;混亂的 75夜
~ the recent turbulent history of the Russian people
Life was difficult during the turbulent years of the war.
turbulence ['t"bjDlDns] n. 1. (空氣的) 亂流;(水的) 紊流
Our airplane went through heavy turbulence in a thunderstorm.
2. 騷動;動盪;混亂 emotional or physical upset
The turbulence in his life has come from accidents and illness.
~ political turbulence
pa.nache [pD'n$N ; pD'nAN] n. 神氣活現;瀟灑;神態自如;氣勢十足 flair; style
She played the piano with great panache.
Mr. Jackson danced with panache.
She played the role of hostess with great panache.
cloister [}klC0stQ] n. 1. 修道院
2. (大教堂、修道院等的) 迴廊
cloistered [}klC0stQd] adj. 隱居的;與世隔絕的
a private, cloistered life in the country
emulate [}GmjD`let] v. 仿傚to try to do something or behave in the same way as
someone; copy
Children emulate their parents’ behavior.
He hopes to emulate his brother’s athletic achievements.
ogre [}ogQ] n. 1. 怪物;惡魔 in children’s fairy tales, a giant who eats people
2. 兇殘可怕的人a person who causes fear
The boss can be an ogre sometimes.
ped.a.gogue ['pGdD`gAg] n. 學究式教師;(尤指) 挑剔而自以為博學的教師
a demanding, difficult teacher
A pedagogue is very particular about details.
ped.a.go.gy ['pGdD`godIi ; 'pGdD`gAdIi] n. 教學法
The school of education teaches pedagogy.
ped.a.gog.ic[`pGdD'gAdI0k] = pedagogical[`pGdD'gAdI0kDl] adj. 教學法的
pedagogic principles
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