




recur [r0'k"] v. 一再發生;反覆出現                  


The same dream recurred night after night.


The pain recurs every time I lift something heavy.


recurrence [r0'kDrDns ; r0'k"Dns] n. 再次發生;重現


We don’t want a recurrence of the situation.


recurrent [r0'kDrDnt ; r0'k"Dnt] adj. 一再發生的;反覆出現的    


~ a recurrent eye infection     //     ~ a recurrent theme


His troubles with money are recurrent.


façade [ fD}sAd] n. 1. (建築物的) 正面the front or outside part of a building


The façade of that building is made of wood.     //     a brick facade


               2. (不露真情的) 外表;外觀   


He puts on a façade of being a rich man, but he is not.


~ her polite façade


elapse [0}l$ps] v. (時間) 逝去;流逝 to go by; pass


Three years have elapsed since I saw my friends in Boston; that is a long time.


Weeks elapsed before she returned home.


outlandish [aUt'l$nd0N] adj. 稀奇古怪的;奇特的 extremely strange and unusual


He wore an outlandish outfit of red pants and green sneakers.


~ an outlandish story


pa.tri.arch ['petri`Ark] n. 德高望重的長者 a man who controls a family, group, or




Our grandfather was the family’s patriarch.


transpire [tr$n}spa0r] v. 1. 發生 to happen; occur


What transpired at the meeting?


She gave a report on what transpired at the meeting.


~ the events that transpired on that day


                   2. (植物葉表水分) 蒸發


Plants transpire through pores in their leaves.


     ö it transpires that : 現已清楚,揭露;事情是這樣的 to become known


     It transpired that they had met previously.

       It transpired that Mr. Lee had already hired a new secretary.


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