




ace [es] n. 1. 一流高手;能手


You're an ace at bowling.    //     ~ a computer ace


He was a flying ace during World War II.


      2. A牌;么點牌


In card games, the ace is often the card with the highest value.


       3. (網球) 得分的發球


         4. hold / have all the aces : 佔絕對優勢


The company holds all the aces in its negotiations with the strikers.


       v. 1. 考得好;寫得好;得優異成績


He aced his exam with a score of 98.


David aced the spelling test.


         2. (網球) 發球得分


He aced his opponent on the last point of the match.


       adj. 一流的expert


It takes years to become an ace pitcher.   //     ~ an ace report


ache [ek] v. to feel a dull pain; hurt


My tooth aches.


       n. pain    


I have a backache.


She’s always complaining of aches and pains. ( aches and pains 渾身酸痛 )


a.chieve [D}tNiv] v. 完成-----;實現;達到


He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work.


As a result of advertising, we’ve achieved a big increase in sales this year.


a.chieve.ment [D}tNivmDnt] n. 1. 完成;實現;達到


The achievement of the right to vote for women took a long time.


                   2. 成就


The invention of the telephone was a great achievement.


a.cid [}$s0d] n. 酸;酸類


Acids are widely used in industry.


         adj. 1. 酸的


Vinegar has a strong acid taste.     //       acid rain 酸雨


             2. 尖酸的


She made some acid comments about the poor quality of his writing.


ac.knowl.edge [Dk}nAl0dI] v. 1. 承認          90


She acknowledged her mistake.


She acknowledged (that) she had made a mistake and apologized.


             2. 函覆;表達謝意 answer or express thanks for something


They acknowledged the gift.


I acknowledged his offer by sending him a letter saying I had received it.


             3. ------打招呼;搭理

I said “hello,” but she didn’t even acknowledge me!

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