adjoin [D}dIC0n] v. 鄰接;連接 64
His land adjoins mine.
ad.just [D'dIKst] v. 1. 調整;調節
I adjusted the air conditioner to stay cool.
2. 適應
It took him two years to adjust to life in England.
3. 修理;調整 to fix; repair
The mechanic adjusted the engine to make it work better.
ad.just.ment [D'dIKstmDnt] n. 1. 調節;校正;校準
The store made an adjustment to the price of meat by lowering it.
2. 調整;適應
I made the adjustment to life in the big city when I moved to Chicago.
ad.min.is.ter [Dd'm0n0stQ] v. 1. 管理 to manage; be in charge of
She administered the committee meeting to make sure that everything worked
2. 實施;執行
We do our best to see that justice is administered fairly.
ad.min.is.tra.tion [Dd`m0nD}streNDn] n. 1. 行政機關;當局;管理部門in the USA,
the executive branch of the federal government, especially the President
The administration in Washington is usually criticized by the newspapers and TV.
Obama administration 歐巴馬政府
He is a member of the school administration.
2. 管理 management of work or of an office
The administration of a company requires hard work.
ad.min.is.tra.tive [Dd}m0nD`stret0v] adj. 行政的;管理的 96指
He is looking for an administrative position.
administrator [Dd}m0nD`stretQ] n. 行政人員;管理人員;主管
He is a college administrator and professor.
admiral [}$dmDrDl] n. 海軍上將
He is an admiral in the US Navy.
ad.mire [Dd}ma0r] v. 1. 欣賞
He admired her beauty very much. // I stopped to admire the view.
2. 欽佩;讚賞
I admire a person who is always honest.
I admire her for her courage.
ad.mi.ra.ble [}$dmDrDbDl] adj. 令人讚賞的;令人欽佩的worthy of approval or
respect 100學
The way she manages her company is admirable.
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