additionally [D}d0NDnDli] adv.另外;此外;又;附加地
150 trucks were sent with supplies, and additionally, two cargo ships brought food
and medicine.
ad.dress [D'drGs ; '$drGs] n. 1. 地址
I gave him my address.
My business address is 28 Wall St., New York, NY 10002.
2. 演說;致詞 a speech
He gave an address to the graduates.
address [D'drGs] v. 1. (在信封或包裹上) 寫姓名和地址 to write an address
Our secretary addressed the envelopes before mailing them.
2. 演講;對-----說話 to speak to 98指
He always addressed us kindly.
She addressed a large group of doctors.
3. 稱呼
She addressed me by my first name. 她以我的first name來稱呼我
ad.dress.ee [$drG}si] n. 收信人;收件人 88
The addressee of that letter no longer lives here.
ad.e.quate [}$dDkw0t] adj. 1. 充分的;足夠的enough; sufficient
He makes an adequate salary, enough to pay his bills. ( inadequate不足的)
They had an adequate amount of money for the trip.
2. 中等的;尚可的 not bad, but not very good
Her work is only adequate; I’m not impressed.
adequately adv.
You must be adequately prepared for the test.
ad.here [Dd}h0r] v. 1. 黏著;附著to hold; stick to a surface
That glue does not adhere to the wall.
2. 忠於;堅持;固守 to obey; pay attention to
Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving or be punished.
ad.he.sive [Dd}his0v] adj. 有黏性的;易黏著的
I used adhesive tape to stick a note on the door. ( adhesive tape膠帶)
n. 黏著劑;黏合劑
Glue is an adhesive.
ad.jec.tive [}$dI0kt0v] n. 形容詞
In the sentence, “The new teacher is very young,” the words new and young are
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