be.nev.o.lent [bD}nGvDlDnt] adj. 樂善好施的;仁慈的kind, generous, and helpful
A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons.
a benevolent company /donor // a benevolent society
au.tism [}Ct0zDm] n. 自閉症
au.tis.tic [C}t0st0k] adj. 自閉症的
~ an autistic child // autistic behavior
blurt [bl"t] v.à blurt out脫口說出;說溜嘴to speak suddenly 96指
He blurted out the truth, that he committed the crime.
She blurted out the answer before I could say anything.
“But I love you!” Ted blurted.
scant [sk$nt] adj. (僅用於名詞前) 不足的;缺乏的not much; little
He gave scant attention to direction, so he got lost. // scant evidence
Jen paid scant attention to their conversation. 沒太注意他們的談話
Peter had shown scant regard for her feelings. 不太顧及她的感受
scanty [}sk$nti] adj. 1. 不足的;不夠的
We have only received scanty information so far.
2. 暴露的very small in size or amount
The cheerleaders wore scanty outfits.
scantily [}sk$ntDli] adv. 不足地;缺乏地
scantily dressed models // scantily clad dancers穿著很少的舞者
converge [kDn}v"dI]v.會合;聚集 95
The two roads converge in the center of town.
Six police cars converged on the accident scene.
convergence[kDn}v"dIDns]n. 趨同
a convergence of views /beliefs
a.ghast [D}g$st] adj. (不能用於名詞前) 吃驚的;嚇呆的 shocked and upset
We were aghast at the damage caused by the tornado.
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