lavender [}l$vDndQ] adj. 淡紫色的 a pale violet color 18
She writes letters on lavender paper.
n. 薰衣草
This soap has a lovely smell of lavender.
dire [da0r] adj. 1. 極端的;非常嚴重的
Such action may have dire consequences.
We’re in dire need of your help. 亟需你的幫助
The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt.
The team found itself in dire straits. (in dire straits :處於非常糟糕的境況)
2. 預示災難的
a dire prediction // a dire warning警訊
The newspapers have all issued dire warnings about the consequences of failure
for the government.
3. 極差的
The hotel we stayed in was dire.
pre.tense ['pritGns ; pr0'tGns] n. 假裝;作假;做作 (英式= pretence )
She made a pretense of working.
He said he was really pleased to see us, but I could tell it was just a pretense.
pre.ten.sion [pr0'tGnNDn] n. 自命不凡;造作;矯飾 69
It’s clear that his pretensions about being a great actor are phony.
There’s a refreshing lack of pretension about her. 毫不造作,令人耳目一新
pre.ten.tious [pr0'tGnNDs] adj. 造作的;矯飾的;自我炫耀的 (88)
acting in a showy or affected manner
Her pretentious behavior offended her fellow workers.
His pretentious show of money annoys his friends.
~ a pretentious snob /movie
alimony ['$lD`moni] n. (離婚) 贍養費
He paid alimony to his former wife until she married again.
rabid['r$b0d] adj. 1. 患狂犬病的
rabid dogs
2. 過激的;狂熱的
rabid baseball fans // rabid revolutionaries
rabies['r$biz] n. 狂犬病
If you’ve been bitten by an animal with rabies, it’s important to go to a doctor
or the hospital right away.
sublime [sD}bla0m] adj. 極佳的;極美的 very beautiful or good
We spent a sublime vacation in Hawaii.
Sublime music filled the air. // Her paintings are sublime.
n. the sublime : 出類拔萃;超群出眾;完美至極
Her dancing approached the sublime.
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