Day 337 (可在facebook社團「英文超越站」下載全部完整內容)
vent [vGnt] v. 發洩 (憤怒)
He vented his anger by screaming at his dog.
The crowd vented their fury by shouting insults.
Sorry for venting — I’m just so mad at him.
n. 通風孔;排氣孔
There is a vent from my kitchen stove to the outside of the house.
There’s an air vent in the roof of the tent.
ventilate ['vGntl`et] v. 使通風
She ventilated the room by opening a window.
ventilated adj.
Only use this paint in a well-ventilated room.
badly ventilated rooms // a poorly ventilated room
ventilation [`vGntl'eNDn] n. 通風
This room has bad ventilation.
The poor ventilation in my hotel room makes me feel sick.
We opened the windows for ventilation.
ventilator ['vGntl`etQ] n. 人工呼吸器
He’s in the hospital on a ventilator.
braise [brez] v. 燉
beef braised in red wine
He braised the beef in a wine sauce.
braised adj.
braised chicken /cabbage
seeming [}sim0H] adj. 貌似的;表面的
I was fooled by the seeming simplicity of the instructions.
seemingly [}sim0Hli] adv. 表面上;看起來
Helen was seemingly calm when she left to take the test.
We had the seemingly impossible job of preparing food for everyone.
a seemingly endless stretch of land // a seemingly impossible stunt
impeach [0m'pitN] v. 1. 彈劾
impeach a judge /President
The legislature impeached the governor for lying about his background.
2. 懷疑to raise doubts about something; question
Lawyers tried to impeach the witness’s testimony.
to impeach someone’s motives
impeachment n.
chant [tN$nt] n. 1. (只用一兩個音調的) 聖歌;禱文
a religious chant // The whole audience stood and joined in the chant.
2. 反覆呼喊的話語
“No more war! No more war!” is a war protesters’ chant.
v. 1. 重複地說 (喊)
People marched through the city chanting “Victory!”
2. 詠唱
Priests chanted the Catholic Mass in Latin.