Day 57 可在facebook社團:「英文超越站」,下載全部內容 [}v$sD`let] v. (觀點或立場等) 搖擺;動搖waver
He has vacillated on this issue.
She vacillated between going away on vacation or staying home.
vacillation [`v$sD}leNDn] n.
His vacillation when confronted with a problem annoyed all of us who had to wait
until he made his decision.
stool [stul] n. 凳子 105學
We sat on stools at the counter and ate our sandwiches. // He sat on a stool.
de.cide [d0}sa0d] v. 1. 決定;決斷 to make up one’s mind
They decided to stay.
It’s up to you to decide.
It was difficult to decide between the two candidates.
They decided against taking legal action. 決定不採取法律行動
I decided to go to the party. 或 I decided (that) I would go to the party.
( 錯r I decided going to the party. )
Alice has decided to study to be a doctor.
I decided that it would be best to tell George everything.
Jack decided (that) the car would cost too much. 認為 [ decide + that子句]
I can’t decide whether /if I want fish or chicken.
I can’t decide what to wear. // She can’t decide what to do.
The proposal to increase the sales tax was decided by a voter referendum.
2. 決定 (指成為某結果的原因)
Today’s game will decide the championship.
One goal decided the game, and we won by a point. 決定比賽勝負的一球
3. 裁決;判決 to settle or judge a question or argument
The judge decided in favor of the prisoner.
The jury will decide the case tomorrow.
ö decide on /upon something : 選定;決定 101學, 92指
Have you decided on a name for the baby?
I am having trouble deciding on a gift for them.
We’re still trying to decide on a venue. [d0}s0IDn] n. 1. 決定;抉擇 a choice made
He made a decision to go on vacation.
Have you made a decision about what to study?
She announced her decision to go to medical school.
We must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow.
2. 果斷;堅決;決斷力 the ability to make judgments and act on them
He was a poor leader because he lacked decision.
This is not a job for someone who lacks decision.
decision-making n. 決策
The project will require some difficult decision-making. [d0}sa0s0v] adj. 1. 決定性的;關鍵的 104學
The matching fingerprint was the decisive factor in the jury’s verdict.
It was the decisive battle in the war. Two months later, the war ended.
He has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations.
2. 果斷的;堅決的;有決斷力的 103學
His decisive manner helped him to get the job. // a decisive leader
The government must take decisive action on gun control.
decisively adv.
He decisively rejected their proposal.
con.firm [kDn}f"m] v. 1. 使確定;確認 96指
Confirm your flight reservation at least two days before you leave.
Your flight for September 27 has been confirmed.
Please write to confirm your reservation.
Can you confirm that you’re coming to my birthday party?
2. 證實
The doctors confirmed that he had cancer.
He would not confirm the report.
Can you confirm what happened?
【字首con- (完全地) ; 字根firm- (堅定的;堅強的;強壯的) 】 [`kAnfQ}meNDn] n. 1. 證明;證實;確認書
The school sent a confirmation of the test scores to each student. 考試成績通知書
2. 確認 104學
We need confirmation of your order.
He called the hotel for confirmation of his reservation.