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grav.i.tate [}gr$vD`tet] v. 受吸引      à gravitate to /toward

  Different types of students gravitate toward different subjects.

  The major industries gravitated toward the outer parts of the city where rents were


  College graduates tend to gravitate to the cities in search of work.

  Many young people now gravitate to careers in the computer industry.

          字根grav-  (

gravitation [`gr$vD}teNDn] n. 1. 引力 gravity

                        2. 吸引

  the gravitation of young people to /toward computer careers


gravitational [`gr$vD}teNDnl] adj. 引力的

  a gravitational field 引力場       //       the gravitational pull of the moon


grav.i.ty [}gr$vDti] n. 1. 重力;引力   

  Objects fall to earth because of the force of gravity.

  An apple falls down from a tree because of the Earth’s gravity.

                  2. 嚴重性 seriousness

  When the shooting started, the gravity of the situation became clear.

  I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation.

                  3. 嚴肅;

  They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.

        字根grav-  (  字尾-ity  (狀態或性質)


mollify [}mAlD`fa0] v. 撫慰;使平靜;使平息怒氣 placate

  A customer was unhappy, and the store manager mollified him by returning his


  She tried to mollify her critics with an apology.


diffuse [d0}fjuz] v. 1. (使) 傳播;(使) 擴散;(使) 漫射

  Technologies diffuse rapidly.

  The printing press helped diffuse knowledge. 

  The light diffused into the room.

  The heat from the radiator (was) diffused throughout the room. 

  The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by clouds.

     【字首dif-  (朝著不同的方向)      字根fus-  (融化;傾注)

diffusion [d0}fjuIDn] n. 傳播;擴散

  the diffusion of political power


diffuse [d0}fjus] adj. 1. 瀰漫的;散開的

  Don’t read in such diffuse light.    //     a large and diffuse organization

  a soft, diffuse light 漫射光             //         diffuse pain

  a diffuse community

                 2. (文章) 冗長的;不簡潔的;難

  ~ a diffuse paper, speech, essay, etc.

  a diffuse style of writing  冗贅的文體


repudiate [r0'pjudi`et] v. 1. 否認;駁斥 denounce

  A witness repudiated his earlier testimony and told the truth.

  They repudiated all accusations of unlawful activity.

  ~ to repudiate a report

  She published an article that repudiates the study’s claims.

  He says he has evidence which repudiates the allegations.

                    2. 拒絕 to reject (something or someone)

  Party members appeared on television to repudiate policies they had formally


  He repudiated the government’s policies.    //       to repudiate a suggestion

repudiation [r0`pjudi'eNDn] n.

  ~ his public repudiation of the conference decision

  His statements are a repudiation of the government’s policies.

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